
A blog or blog is a website that includes, as a personal diary of its author or authors, contents of interest to them, which are usually updated frequently and are often commented on by readers.

It serves as an online publication of stories with a very high periodicity, which are presented in reverse chronological order, that is, the most recent thing that has been published is the first thing that appears on the screen. Before, it was common for blogs to show a list of links to other blogs or other pages to expand information, cite sources or note that it is continuing with a topic that another blog started.

There are various blog maintenance tools that allow, many of them free of charge and without the need for high technical knowledge, to manage the entire weblog, coordinate, delete or rewrite the articles, moderate the comments of the readers, etc., in a way almost as simple as managing email. Currently its mode of use has been simplified to such an extent that almost any user is capable of creating and managing a personal blog.

The success of blogs is due to the fact that they have a very peculiar nature that is characterized, above all, by three essential properties:

  • It is a periodical publication. Blogs publish new content in relatively short periods of time.
  • A blog supports reader comments and this makes it possible to create a community around the author. Blogs are one of the media that best represent its essence. Thanks to the possibility of receiving comments from readers, it goes from a unilateral communication (means of communication towards the reader) to a bilateral communication, in which the reader is also the protagonist. The effect that this has had is the creation of "communities" of very loyal readers, very similar to those that exist, for example, in a discussion forum. This has also turned out to be very advantageous from a professional or commercial point of view because these readers are loyal people who trust the author and, therefore, very open to recommendations and even the sale of products and services by the blog author.
  • A blog has a strong personal touch. Although this characteristic has perhaps been diluted a bit in recent years with the appearance of corporate and professional blogs, even these blogs try to maintain a much more personal and informal atmosphere that helps a lot to forge a relationship of trust between the author of the blog and its readers, seeking much more to create an environment similar to that between friends than the classic relationship between a commercial publication and its readers.

Types of Blogs:

  • Personal blog: The personal blog, an ongoing journal or a comment from an individual, is the most traditional and common blog. Blogs tend to become more than just a way to communicate, they also become a way of reflecting on life or works of art.
  • Microblogging: Microblogging is the practice of publishing small pieces of digital content (it can be text, images, links, short videos or other means of communication) on the Internet. It offers a mode of communication that for many is organic, spontaneous and captures the public's imagination.
  • Corporate and organizational blogs: A blog can be private, as in most cases, or it can be for business purposes. Blogs that are used internally to improve the communication and culture of a corporation or externally for marketing, branding, or public relations are called corporate blogs.
  • Educational blogs: An educational blog or edublog is composed of materials, experiences, reflections and didactic content, which allows the periodic and updated dissemination of the activities carried out in the school. Educational blogs allow teachers to communicate and communicate between the educational community and students, promoting active, critical and interactive learning.

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