
Communication with the group, collective motivation and responsibility as well as team interaction are valuable in the learning process of students. Padlet is a tool that helps to build a valuable collaborative space in a dynamic way.

Padlet is a digital platform that allows you to create collaborative murals, offering the possibility of building spaces where multimedia resources can be presented, be it videos, audio, photos or documents. These resources are added as sticky notes, as if they were "post-its". This tool is easy to use as it has an intuitive interface and has 29 languages ​​available. It is free to use, the only thing you will need is to create an account.

By using this tool, you can structure your content in different ways. With Padlet you can also share the link on social networks, publish it on a website or in any virtual environment. This feature facilitates access to the various contributions published. As a teacher, you can create the topic and goal as well as set a specific URL for your students to easily join the project. You can also customize the format of the wall according to the proposed activity!

The advantages of Padlet in online education:

Collaborative evaluation is possible with Padlet, by using the "Reward" option with stars, votes, ratings or hearts. This is a good exercise to encourage "feedback" among peers, however, it is the teacher who must accompany this process to obtain positive results.

With this tool, it is possible to participate anonymously, which as a teacher will allow you to encourage participation in a more free and inclusive way for those who do not usually contribute much in this type of collaborative activities. Some activities that you can do with Padlet are:

  • Project proposal
  • news bulletin
  • Reading club
  • Build a digital portfolio

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