Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a tool that can be used in the educational field for the different teaching modalities, that is, both in face-to-face education, as in blended education or in online education. It allows you to organize meetings and collaborate from anywhere and at any time, favoring the flexibility and organization of each student. It also allows the materials to be worked synchronously and / or asynchronously, facilitating that, although they have attended the face-to-face class or the virtual class, the students can still view the contents.

  • It allows interactions different from those offered by other online learning management systems or LMS.
  • It offers a private space just for the class.
  • It allows interaction between students, as well as the possibility for teachers to chat individually or in groups with them.
  • It allows you to create events, publish and share information and files.
  • It favors attention to diversity: through the recording and publication of videos, it is possible to better attend to the different needs, learning rhythms and personal circumstances of students.
  • It allows communication from anywhere due to the impossibility of attending in person due to meteorological, health, sports or other reasons.
  • Teachers can check content display to make sure students are tracking activity. They can also include questions within the videos to help them take responsibility and interact.
  • It allows to establish a synchronous and asynchronous learning, presetting schedules or with recordings of the classes.

The online education model became the only possible option for teachers and students and an educational response was promoted globally for adaptation to online teaching to guarantee continuous training, with technical assistance, and provision of resources by governments and educational centers. The introduction and use of virtual platforms was also promoted to carry out activities, share content and offer feedback and favor the continuity of educational programs. To allow students to attend educational sessions remotely, while maintaining distance social, many training centers chose Microsoft Teams as their main tool. In addition to its ease of use, it was considered free for educational institutions around the world, through Office 365, creating an alternative of a virtual learning environment.

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