
Edmodo is a technological, social, educational and free platform that allows communication between students and teachers in a closed and private environment by way of microblogging, created for specific use in upper secondary education. Edmodo helps transform education through principles that education opens minds and technology connects. Edmodo aims to create an easy, safe, interactive, versatile and free platform for teachers that would reinforce what is said in class. Include gamification in a simple way. The teacher assigns badges to his students, awards for effort. These can be the best comment, the most creative work, the best elaborate, etc. Badges can be created by the teacher or by Edmodo, so they can be highly personalized.

Edmodo provides:

  • Synchronous and asynchronous communication
  • Schedule flexibility
  • Collaborative learning15
  • Consistent, dynamic and shared knowledge construction
  • Active roles of teachers and students
  • Development of interpersonal skills: clear communication, mutual support, constructive conflict resolution.

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